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Thursday, February 27, 2014

Photo Challenge Day 6!

This is, again, a piece of tiramisu. I've thought of this a long time ago. And I came up with three people I’d like to trade places with for a day. The first one is…

You can’t blame me for wanting to be him even just for a day. Look at that guy! He’s the Iron Man! He is also Sherlock Holmes! Two of the most iconic, most loved, most idolized, most envied, and coolestiestest, wittiestiestest,  awesomestiestest characters ever imagined by a human brain! Aside from that, he is also 2013’s top-paid actor! A whopping 75 million US dollars! That’s a lot of PS4 and Xbox 360! Oh, man. And being an actor takes you to a lot of places. And it’s one of my dreams to travel round the globe someday. And being Robert Downey, Jr. might get it done :D

The next one is…

I’m not choosing him as Barrack Obama himself. I’m choosing him because he is the President of the United States, making him the most powerful man on Earth too (forget about Superman). If there is another president and not him, I’d choose him (not him as in Obama). For simplicity, I would trade places to whoever sits in the most powerful seat of them all. Aside from Zeus’s, of course. There is just a lot, and I mean a lot, of things that you could do when you are the President of the United States. I can make longganisa ­for free for example. That would be a great law, right?

The last one is…

I’m not talking about Daniel Radcliffe as Harry Potter. I’m talking about the character itself, Harry Potter. And it would be the coolest thing ever to step foot in Hogwarts and attend to classes like Charms, Transfiguration, Care of Magical Creatures, Defense Against the Dark Arts, and even Potions even just for a day! But I can skip History of Magic and Divination. And fighting Voldemort. Oh my G! I said You-know-who’s name! *<laugh>*. He's dead, anyway. Wouldn’t you want to be on Hogwarts too?

And among the three, I can break it down to just… yeah, Robert. And forget about all the reasons that I just said. The main thing why I wanted to be him even just for a day is because I want to wear this…

Oh, yes. The Iron Man suit. There, I said it. And, of course, I wanna talk to Jarvis too. That’s another cool thing.

Day 6 is over. Don’t forget to comment and answer the survey. 

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