Know the Real hawOo...

Welcome to my very own blogspot. Well, enjoy!

All entries in this blog are not copy-pasted unless specified. It's what I think of them and I see of them. Any resemblance to any sites is not intended by the Administrator. Thank you.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Photo Challenge Day 22!

Today's challenge is easy. If there is something I couldn't leave without when I go out, that would be...

Like all the time, wherever I go, whatever I do, I always bring this (That's my current device, by the way, Lenovo A706). I love walking with music banging my ears. And it's something not only me loves. I always see people with their headsets on listening to latest tracks... or not. That's just me. Especially when I'm walking alone, I just couldn't bear walking without music in my ears. Maybe I just don't wanna hear the noise of everything around me. The people's shouts, the vehicles' noises, the hustle and bustle of life! I don't dig that. And I escape all of it by shutting myself with music. Cool. In fact, while doing this blog, I have my headset on listening to David Guetta's Just One Last Time. See? Music is my life. Though music doesn't favor me much! But who cares?

That's Day 22. Kindly answer the survey on the upper right side of this blog. Arigato minna-san :D

Friday, March 14, 2014

Surveys are Kawaii :D

On the most boring time of the day, I decided to look for something to do. Then I came up with this, "How about answer a survey?". Nah. That's a joke. I got the idea on my daughter's tumblr dashboard. So I wanna try it. Just to have something to do while listening to Papa Jack and Chico Loco. Here goes nothing.

1. Are you a very open or private person?

- I'd say I'm open. What you see is what you get. 

2. What is your favorite Christmas movie?

- Iron Man 3. It's not exactly a Christmas movie but it was shot during Christmas season. Although it opened in cinemas last April 2013.

3. When did you stop believing in Santa?

- I never really believed that Santa existed. When I was kid, I used to hang my sock in our homemade Christmas tree. Nothing happened. I always get nothing.

4. What do you get complimented on the most?

- I, uhh, am humble. I don't speak about what good things people see in me. *<LOL>*

5. How are you feeling right now?

- Bored. -_-

6. If money was no object, where would you move to?

- I really can't understand the question.

7. Who was the last person to make you cry?

- Capul Parish Youth service team. Seriously. They did.

8. Did you make any resolutions for this year? What were they?

- I decided not to do it anymore. What's the point when I can't even live it up for even a month?

9. Is there a song which can bring you to tears instantly?

- Nothing in particular.

10. Who was the last person you talked about sex with?

- Noone. It's not the kind of topic you'd want to talk about with anyone.

11. How did you bring in the New Year?

- Uh. I really don't know.

12. Have you ever online dated?

Nah. I'm afraid of scams.

13. Post a screen shot of your Twitter “Interactions” page.

14. Click on the messages tab on Facebook, post a screen shot (erase surnames for safety).

- It's safer not to do this.

15. Post a screenshot of your tumblr activity page.

- I don't have a tumblr page. Sorry. -_-

16. Do you believe in soul mates?

- No. Sorry. 

17. Do you play video games?

- Oh, yeah! Like a lot, man. I never spent a day without playing any video games. 

18. What age do people usually mistake you for?

- I honestly don't know. I'd think 14? Your argument is invalid.

19. What or whom do you miss right now?

- I miss a lot of things, people, and, uhm, things.

20. What perfume do you wear?

- Right now, I'm wearing Blackwater.

Well, that's it. It took me less than 30 minutes to do this. Not much of a time-killer. I'd answer some more. Thanks :D

When Cosplay Fails 4

So... I couldn't find any words to describe my, uhm, uhh, I just don't know what to say.

Photo Challenge Day 21!

This is just a bummer. I mean, come on! Favorite pair of shorts? How can anyone have a favorite pair of shorts? How can you even say you have a favorite pair of shorts? Is it because you wear it three times a day? Or was it given by someone special? Or just simply, you wake up one day, get into one of your pair of shorts, and declared, "Yep, this is my favorite shorts." Admit it, that's weird. A little bit weirder actually. I'm so sorry. But I don't play favorites when it comes to pair of shorts. 'Coz, you know, I just wear'em. I don't need to "favorite" them just to wear them. Or wear them just to "favorite" them. Whatev.

So today's challenge is a big zero. See you, guys, tomorrow.

Meanwhile, why don't you just watch me sing here

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Photo Challenge Day 20!

Well, how do you know, it's my 20th challenge. Time really flies, huh. Today the challenge asks me to post a photo of a place I wanna love to travel to. No-brainer, I already told you where. It's Venice, right. But for the sake of today's challenge, I will post my second dream destination. Here it is...

If you say Korea, then you're wrong. That's Japan, my friend. Yep, Japan. It's where anime is born. And as an anime lover like myself, i'ts a dream to visit the place where it all started! Of course, aside from that, there's a lot of place you'd wanna wander about when you're in Japan. How about that beautiful view of Mt. Fuji? And do you see the tower in the pictures? It couldn't fool me. That's the Bellsprout Tower. Home for a lot of Bellsprout-loving monks. Well, there are a lot of Rattata's too. And sometimes, if you're lucky, a Raticate. And Ghastly. 

But above all that, the only reason why I wanna go to Japan this badly is because of this...

My eyes are on the verge of crying! I just can't take the excitement anymore! That's the Mugiwara Store, guys. The only place in the world where you can find all things One Piece! My heart is beating so fast! I'm freaking out! I need love! *<laugh>*.

Someday I gonna go there. And when I do, I will just say, "Shut up and take my money!".

Day 20! Sayonara. Watashi wa anata ga anata no mawari no hitobito kara no shukufuku to ai ni michite subarashī tsuitachi-saki ni motte itadakereba saiwaidesu. Anata no tsuitachi wa, kōfun to tanoshisa de jūten suru koto ga dekiru. Kami no shukufuku ga arimasu yō. Watashi wa, dare mo anata o aishiteimasu. 

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

When Cosplay Fails 3

Cosplay is supposed to reanimate anime characters in a more livelier way. Its goal is to really look like the character you are cosplaying. And I haven't seen anything likely in this cosplay...

Vegeta. One of the most cunning anime character cosplayed in the most, well, uncunning way. And hilarious.

Photo Challenge Day 19!

When it comes to things I love doing, that would be crazily numerous. I can even make a book out of it. So this challenge is, again, broad. That's why being alone is not an issue to me. When you're alone, it doesn't mean you're lonely. I've heard it somewhere. But it's true. It definitely applies to me. It just means that you could do a lot of happy things even when you're just by yourself. And that's one of the signs of security. That's not safety, that's the opposite of insecurity. You know, just try to understand. I can't explain it really.

So I'll just enumerate some of the things I love doing... with or without someone...

Who wouldn't love watching movies? It's a two-way ticket to things unrealistic, right? It takes you away for an hour or two from the hassles of the real world. And most of the times, it entertains you. And, admit it, you just don't wanna feel behind when your friends are talking about it and you just can't relate.

I'm 23 and I'm still into this thing. I'm a kid at heart. And let's face it, 80% of the video games released are for adults anyway. 

I'm a bookworm. I read a lot. Fiction most of the times. Like Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Mortal Instruments, The 39 Clues, Sydney Sheldon, The Hunger Games and many more.

Once upon a time, I had a crazy dream to be a singer. But when I heard myself sing, it was really crazy. But that didn't stop me from loving music. It's just music doesn't love me back. I'm heart-broken.

Don't fool yourself, you love eating too.

Internet. Can't live without. Well, it already includes Facebook.

50% of my life is shared in the web. And apparently, so is the rest of the world. Some even share their whole being. Social media sites, admit it or not, are totally ruling our lives.

I'm a Youth for Christ. And if there's one thing I love about it, it's because YFC taught me to worship God. That's true. When you get to love worship, and get in the heart of it, you never stop wanting for more. It's like God being nearer and nearer to you. Worshipping Him has been one of the many things I love to do. Again, with or without someone.

That's it. That's just some of it. There are a lot more, of course. But those are the tops. Arigato.

Day 19's done. Peace yo. 

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Makati and Pasig... Selfie Capitals of the World

Can you dig this? Time Magazine reports that Makati and Pasig, two of the busiest cities of the Philippines are also the Selfie Capitals of the World! What the what? I mean, is there even such a thing? In fact, there is. Here is the top 10...

1. Makati City and Pasig, Philippines - 258 selfie-takers per 100,000 people
2. Manhattan, New York - 202 selfie-takers per 100,000 people
3. Miami, Florida - 155 selfie-takers per 100,000 people
4. Anaheim and Santa Ana, California - 147 selfie-takers per 100,000 people
5. Petaling Jaya, Malaysia - 141 selfie-takers per 100,000 people
6. Tel Aviv, Israel - 139 selfie-takers per 100,000 people
7. Manchester, England - 114 selfie-takers per 100,000 people
8. Milan, Italy - 108 selfie-takers per 100,000 people
9. Cebu City, Philippines - 99 selfie-takers per 100,000 people
10. George Town, Malaysia - 95 selfie-takers per 100,000 people

Cebu even made to the 9th spot. Another bragging rights for the Philippines. Well, I guess.

Photo Challenge Day 18!

Sexiest woman alive. Do I even have to think about it? Nah, my choice would be literally the sexiest woman alive. Here she is...

Of course she's the sexiest woman alive. Well, She's FHM's sexiest for 2013! In fact, it's her second time right now. She was hailed sexiest a few years ago. That counts a lot, right? I'll not talk anymore. Just check it out yourself.

There's a lot of photos of her in the internet. Do yourself a favor and Google it :D

Monday, March 10, 2014

For The Sake of Selfie 2

Here's another photo showing the lengths a man would go to for the sake of selfie.

That's Toni Blair. I don't know him actually. Behind him is an explosion. Yet his priorities are in the wrong places. Instead of running away, he took a selfie. Good job. Epic!

When Cosplay Fails 2

What's happening in this country?!? First, Cell, and now, Majin Buu?!? The strongest pink-colored-anime-character (stronger than Pink Panther and Piglet) in all of anime world got cosplayed in the most, uhm well, thrifty and budget-friendly way. Global economic crisis.

You Got Egged!

This is depressing. I eat eggs everyday. Now this gives me second thought.

Photo Challenge Day 17!

A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently. That's the challenge for today. And after a lot of thinking... I think this would best suit the challenge...

Yep. The Capul Parish Youth. Talk about impact, man. These youths became instant friends. My circle of friends expanded exponentially! Two of them even became instant fans. Nailed it! *<laugh>*. These people here is one of reasons why every single time, like out of nowhere, I wanna pack my things and go back home. We shared a pretty small amount of time together. Like half of December and half of January. That makes almost one month. And that's not exactly a long time, right? But the bond and friendship we created makes us feel like we met each other a million years ago. It's like the friendship we made was tested and proven by time. You know what I'm saying? That's just it. These people, these children of God, just made me see and realize one of my missions in life. And that is NOT to stop fighting for the youths. That they have a say in this society. And that God still has hopes in them. The Parish Youth Days 2013 was a big proof of that. PYD 2013 really made a big impact in my life. And that's saying something.

If there's a first runner up for this kind of thing, I would say this...

You're seeing it right. That's Line. One of the many free messaging apps that keeps on popping out. There's Kakao Talk, Viber, WeChat, BBM, Kik, WhatsApp and a whole lot more. But Line is my favorite and my most used out of all of them. I think it's actually the best there is. I tried all of them and Line was the only messaging app left un-uninstalled. Geddit? So, what did Line do to me that impacted me that much? Well, it reconnected me to one of my favorite people in the Philippines. Except, of course, she's not in the Philippines anymore. She's in Australia. Yeah, my daughter. The only person in the world I can talk with anything. Everything! Line made it possible for us to chat, talk, share photos and send live stickers. That's what basically Line can do. But in every chat and calls, there wasn't any idle time. We keep on talking about anything that comes out. Mostly nonsense, really. But fun, nonetheless. Our latest topic was daylight saving time. Who would in their right minds would talk about daylight saving time?!? Just us.

Done. That's day 17.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Photo Challenge Day 16!

I will be honest on today's challenge. The 'someone' who inspires me is...

See that? That's no one. No one, I say no one, is inspiring me as of the moment. So, basically, today's challenge is a zero. Sorry, you guys. I'm just inspirationless right now. I can't think of anything that I'm doing right now that is inspired by someone. I can't even think of anything that I'm doing right now that is kinda inspired by someone. I can't even think of anything that I'm doing right now that is caused by someone who might be my inspiration someday. Just no one. Zero. 

Day 16 is sad. See you tomorrow :D Still, be happy. Life is a gift. 

For The Sake of Selfie

We have seen millions of versions of selfie scattered all throughout the internet. They are all around, man. Wherever you go in the web, someone's face will pop out. That's how selfie's rule now. Ellen's selfie in the Oscar's with bunch of famous people with her even became the most RT'ed tweet ever! But this is different. This shows as to what lengths a person would go to for the sake of selfie.

See that?!? That's either amazing or crazy!