Can you believe it? I reached my 30th day on this challenge! Happy Silver Anniversary to all of us :D
So, today's challenge wants me to post a picture of my favorite quote. Which I definitely have. I mean, this is something not all have favorites to. So, it's quite surprising for me to get out of the norm and actually have my own favorite quote. Here it is...
I know it's funny when you first read it, but when you give time and understand the very essence of the sentence, you'll get the idea. You see, we all know that life is tough. It has a lot of problems. I can't argue with that. Even the richest people on Earth have problems too. They constantly think of ways to get more riches to make them, well, even more richer. Go figure. But we all forget the other option of not putting much thought to a problem 'coz we are in too deep with thinking of ways to solve it! See the logic? Why think so hard over a problem that seems too impossible to solve anyway? Why don't we just focus on the other side of life and actually live our lives in happiness?
I know it's arguable. And I'm open to anyone who wants to debate with me. But what I'm trying to say is that life is full of problems. They are very much given. Wherever you go, whatever you do, problems are there. So instead of delving much into a problem which is always present anyways, don't problem the problem... let the problem problems you!
Okay, that's it! Have a nice night ahead :D
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