Know the Real hawOo...

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Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Photo Challenge Day 24!

All right. So, I broke a promise. I didn't keep my solemn oath to do this photo challenge everyday. You see, I've been away for a couple of days and I have to leave my laptop behind because it's not natural to bring it with me. I had to do some important stuff. And I hate to say this, but I have to, again, postpone this challenge until I'm free enough to do it. You see, I still have more important stuff to do and keeping this on a daily basis could take me away from those 'important stuff'. But, hey, no sweat. I promise to be back with more of this photo challenge when all of this 'important stuff' is over. Thanks a lot. So, here's my last photo challenge. For the meantime, of course...

Today's challenge wants me to post someone I miss. So the challenge basically wants me to be extra cheesy and a little bit sweet. Not to mention corny. But it happens once in a blue moon, so why not carry on with it. But I'm not gonna post someone, as in singular. Because I have four people in mind.

The first one is this... (Note: the photos are taken from their respective Facebook profile pages)

Yeah. That's my big brother. (You can't see his face, but obviously, he's the guy. With him is, uhm, his unofficial fiance, Ate Lanlan. Unofficial because the ritual of making it official is not up 'till this coming Saturday. And, my, this is a big news, everyone. But I'll not go to every detail yet. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to say things in this blog. But one thing is for sure, I'm as excited as them :D) That's Beejay, but we call him Besce. And maybe a lot of brothers are on riot when they are together, but not us. We share a lot of common interests. Especially in gadgets. Especially. In. Gadgets! Next, video games, of course. We're on our twenty's right now but we are still loco with video games. We like to play same games and just compare our high scores. Brotherly competition, brah. Sure we have our own indifferences. Like the way he likes Racing Games and not Simulation, and me liking Simulation and not Racing. But that's alright. We still get along pretty well. We also have argument at times, but we always manage to get through with it. It can never be removed in brothers, man. It's part of the equation. But the most important thing is, at the end of the day, at the end of every challenging day, your love for a brother remains. *<aawww...>*

Next is...

And that is my little sister. (She's with what she calls 'Besfie'. They both like to believe that one of them is Emma Stone and the other is Taylor Swift. Just figure out who is who). One of my little sisters, actually. She's Larrielyn, but we call her Yenn.  For convenience, most of the times, for fun, sometimes. Now this girl, I can say, is I am closest with. We shared a lot of moments together compared to my other two siblings. No offense, guys (I mean to my two other siblings). For one, we're both Youths for Christ. We both share common passion. We both love doing service for the Church and for God. We've been into a lot of youth activities together inside and even outside of our hometown. To put it simply, we know each other so much. She shares my love when it comes to movies, music, and even in talk shows. We both love Ellen. And that is something!

Next is...

That is my other little sister (That's one of her millions of selfie's). Her name is Hillary. But we call her Yayie. Simply because my other sister couldn't say her name the right way. When we asked Yenn to say Yayie's real name, all she managed was Yayie. Well, at least her name got some cool history. When it comes to arguments, we pretty had a lot of it. But, of course, everything sets off overnight. Arguments of today are left behind the next morning. To give space for another new, fresher, intenser arguments. *<Laugh>*. That's us. But, hey, I love her. She's one of the few people who can make me laugh genuinely. She respects me too, man. She knows when and when not to mess with me. That's Yayie.

And lastly....

She's my closest friend. At the same time the farthest. And I've told of a lot of things about her to last a lifetime worth of nightmare. Kidding. Kidding again. *<Laugh>*. So I just put her picture here 'coz I really miss her (which you can't clearly see. For some reason, she made this photo of her at mid-air with a lot of cars at the back. I think she wants us to focus with the cars. Ok, cars). But I'll leave at that.

That's for today. I miss them and I'm always looking forward to spending quality time with them someday. Except for the last, of course. Me meeting her someday is still blurry. Good luck with that. Besides, there's Line :D

PS. I think someone would be really offended if I'll not include her on the list. I said I miss four pips. Apparently, I'm wrong. Here's the fifth.

That's Fides. She's the girl with the glasses. Oh, they both have glasses. She's the girl in the left. And in the right, is a clear shot of Ate Lanlan, my brother's girlfriend and soon to be... you get it. Fides is practically a sister of mine already. She's close to us. Even to our parents. And I told you, she's my number one supporter! A little trivia, she's the first follower of mine on this blogspot. And in every venture I took as far as the world wide web is concern, she's there. Like, all the time! So, who wouldn't miss a girl like this? Besides that, I've shared a fair share of memorable moments with her. In which most are already forgotten. But, hey, they are still memories. They just need some kicks to remember. She's a giver, too, I think. She gave my sister Yenn a bonnet which I have been so meaning to take from her by asking her politely to just give it to me. She gave my sister Yayie a digital watch (those kind of watch where you have to press it before it reveals the time) which was then taken from her by my sister Yenn and instead got herself another watch, analog this time. But, hey, they both have watches. She gave a gay family friend called Joseph or Otep a bunch of fake eyelashes. Her mother, through Fides, gave my mother an imported bag, my father an imported perfume, and my sisters imported perfumes. She gave a common friend of ours a jacket, a VARSITY JACKET at that. A FRIEND WE BOTH JUST KNEW FOR BARELY FOUR MONTHS NOW! NOTICED ANYTHING? SHE HAVEN'T GIVEN ME ANYTHING! WELL, UHM, YEAH, SHE GAVE ME SOMETHING ON MY GRADUATION DAY. A TRAFALGAR LAW HEADSET AND A COMPLETE SET OF THE MUGIWARA CREW'S WANTED POSTERS WITH AN ADDED BONUS OF SHANKS'S AND JIMBEI'S WANTED POSTERS. BUT THAT'S A SPECIAL OCCASION. PEOPLE OUGHT TO GIVE SOMETHING DURING SPECIAL OCCASIONS!!! AND I HAVEN'T RECEIVED ANYTHING FROM HER THAT I CAN LABEL WITH OH-KUYA-HAWOO-MIGHT-LIKE-THIS-SO-I'LL-GIVE-IT-TO-HIM SORT OF AN ITEM!!! ON THE OTHER HAND, I HAVEN'T GIVEN HER ANYTHING TOO. *<Long moment of silence>*. That explains it. Well, I'm calm now. *<Lol>*. BUT, HEY, DID THESE PEOPLE MENTIONED GIVE FIDES ANYTHING IN RETURN?!? I'M RAGED AGAIN! *<SHOUT FOR THIRTY MINUTES>*. Okay, I'm okay now. Maybe she has her reasons. Maybe mine would be so special that when she finally gives it to me, I would be like, "Oh, my, Fides! I love you! Thank you for this! I never expected it! A Trafalgar Law Jacket and a complete set of Mugiwara Crew action figures?!? This is too much! Thank you, thank you!". That's probably what she has in mind. And maybe she's preparing for it right now. Maybe she wanted to surprise me. That settles it. I'm excited now!

And in case you haven't noticed, Fides's part on this blog is the longest. Maybe she'll add a complete set of Fairy Tail characters action figures and a complete set of Lucy's celestial keys. That is awesome 0.o!

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